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 The map of the world

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Join date : 2009-04-12

The map of the world Empty
PostSubject: The map of the world   The map of the world I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 12, 2009 1:00 pm

The map of the world Map

A) Kame-House: The small island Kamesennin live's on.
B) Papaya Islands: Where the Tenkaichi Budokai is held.
C) Muscle Tower: The Northern strong-hold of the Red Ribbon Army.
D) Western City: Capsule Corporation is located here.
E) Penguin Village:
F) Karins Tower/Kami's Lookout: Both are located here.
G) Red Ribbon Army: This is the home base of the RR army.
H) Central Capitol: Piccolo tried to take over the world from here.
I) Raditzu's landing: This is where his space pod landed on earth.
J) First DBZ Battle: This is the site where Piccolo kills Goku and Raditzu.
K) Eastern City: A city wiped out by Nappa.
L) Southern City: Highly populated urban city.
M) Gokuu vs. Vegeta: This is where Goku fight's Vegeta.
N) Survival Training: Here Piccolo trained Gohan.
O) Yunzabit: this is where Kami first lands on earth.
P) Northern City: Another Highly populated urban city.
Q) Grandpa Gohan's House: The former house of Gohan and now Gokuu's.
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